One-to-one coaching with a Direct Booking expert
Triptease’s expert Direct Booking Coaches will be available over the course of the Summit for one-to-one sessions with you and your team.

Get access to a UX website audit
Get a personalized evaluation of your hotel website’s user experience (UX) with Triptease’s lead UX Designer Chimmy Kalu.
With over 10 years of experience in the field, Chimmy will work with you to identify and improve the usability, accessibility and overall design of your site.
Find out if disparities are losing you revenue
Book an exclusive one-on-one session with Triptease Parity expert, Andrew Williamson. Get a free, bespoke Meta Parity Report so you can see who is really undercutting you where it matters most, and discuss your parity challenges and strategy.
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