Who we are

What is the Direct Booking Summit?

Triptease exists because we saw that hoteliers were facing a major challenge that they couldn't tackle alone. Protecting direct business from the growing power of OTAs was our guiding mission when building out our technology.

But we knew that technology alone wouldn't solve the problem - the industry needed a movement to empower hoteliers and bring real change.

The Summit isn't about our Data Marketing Platform, or even about Triptease. It's about hoteliers joining together. As an industry, we still haven't done enough to redress the balance between online travel agencies and hotel websites, and we still haven't spread the word far enough that a direct booking leads to a better stay. But those aren't the only topics that the Summit addresses: the conversation moves on continuously.

The world doesn't exist in binaries - and neither does the Direct Booking Movement. It's not as simple as good vs. bad, hotel vs. OTA. The Direct Booking Summit is a place to come together and discuss - sometimes debate - how the industry should move forward with its relationship to third parties. The online travel landscape never stops changing, and hotels need to think constantly about how they're going to adapt. But hoteliers don't have endless time on their hands, and that's why the Summit exists. Together we boil those topics down into key deliverables and takeaways, and connect hoteliers with the experts best placed to help.

Since our inaugural event in London, we’ve taken the Summit around the globe: from London to Washington D.C, Barcelona to New York, Amsterdam to Dallas, then to Singapore, Paris, Bangkok, Miami, New Orleans and Chicago.

Why we do it

Is it too corny to say it's because we care? Maybe. But we'll say it anyway.

We don't run the Summit for profit: we run it to provide the best event a hotelier will go to every year. We place a huge focus on case studies and real-life worked examples - bringing in hoteliers we admire to talk about what works for them, and what doesn't, when it comes to a direct booking strategy. There are interactive workshops, breakout sessions, buckets of networking time, and a constant focus on coming together as friends. And a party. Did we mention the party? You definitely won’t want to miss that - because nobody knows how to party like hoteliers do.

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